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Creating a Family Agreement

Keeping your child alcohol free helps:

  • Lower the chances that your child will get into trouble with alcohol as a teenager (1)

  • Your child be successful in school (2)

  • Lower the chances that your child will use tobacco or marijuana (3)

  • Have a good relationship with your child during the teen years

  • Lower the risk of alcohol-related car crashes (4)

  • Delay the start of sexual activity (5)

  • Avoid injuries due to fights or accidents (6)

  • Protect your child’s mental health

  • Lower the risk that your child develops an alcohol use disorder later in life (7)


Download Your Family Agreement

BIPAS Family Contract.png

Your Family Agreement

Fill out the agreement by downloading and printing to complete for each child.

Resources for parents & kids

Want to see more? 

  • Ask, Listen, Learn has videos about how alcohol affects the brain – share them with your kids!

Want to learn more about parenting teens?

FamilyRules Resources


  1. Hawkins, J. D., Graham, J. W., Maguin, E., Abbott, R., Hill, K. G., & Catalano, R. F. (1997). Exploring the effects of age of alcohol use initiation and psychosocial risk factors on subsequent alcohol misuse. Journal of studies on alcohol, 58(3), 280–290.

  2. Ellickson, P. L., Tucker, J. S., & Klein, D. J. (2003). Ten-year prospective study of public health problems associated with early drinking. Pediatrics, 111(5 Pt 1), 949–955.

  3. Kandel, D. B., Yamaguchi, K., & Chen, K. (1992). Stages of progression in drug involvement from adolescence to adulthood: further evidence for the gateway theory. Journal of studies on alcohol, 53(5), 447–457.

  4. Gruber, E., DiClemente, R. J., Anderson, M. M., & Lodico, M. (1996). Early drinking onset and its association with alcohol use and problem behavior in late adolescence. Preventive medicine, 25(3), 293–300.

  5. Sandfort, T. G., Orr, M., Hirsch, J. S., & Santelli, J. (2008). Long-term health correlates of timing of sexual debut: results from a national US study. American journal of public health, 98(1), 155–161.

  6. Hingson, R. W., Heeren, T., Jamanka, A., & Howland, J. (2000). Age of drinking onset and unintentional injury involvement after drinking. JAMA, 284(12), 1527–1533.

  7. DeWit, D. J., Adlaf, E. M., Offord, D. R., & Ogborne, A. C. (2000). Age at first alcohol use: a risk factor for the development of alcohol disorders. The American journal of psychiatry, 157(5), 745–750.

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